Deposition Scheduling Checklist and Report
If you dot your i’s and cross your t’s when you schedule a deposition, you’ll avoid stressful last-minute problems. This short report identifies 10 items you should be sure to address when you schedule a deposition. The checklist is a tool you can use to remind you of the basics each time you schedule.
Download Deposition Scheduling Checklist
Reporter Request Form for Oregon Courts
Did you know you can hire a court reporter to cover your next trial or hearing in Oregon?
Oregon Statutes 8.340, 8.350, and 8.360 specifically provide litigants the opportunity to file an order with the court stipulating that certain proceedings in a case be recorded stenographically by a court reporter rather than by the court’s audio system.
We have created a fillable .pdf form that you can use to request stenographic reporting for your trials and/or hearings in Oregon.
Download Reporter Request Form
Computer Monitor Calendars
Our clients love them so we keep making them. Get one for you and get more for your whole office! Order soon, though, as supplies are limited.